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Next Generation Digital Manufacturing

and Robotics Schools

An Erasmus+ KA2 Small-scale Partnerships in School Education 
Project Reference: 2023-2-EE01-KA210-SCH-000185005

About the Project

The DIGIROBO project focuses on developing, implementing, and evaluating a connected European summer school for coding in manufacturing. It explicitly addresses young kids without prior knowledge of the subject and teachers interested in lifelong learning opportunities. The DIGIROBO Camp consists of a series of short robotic and coding challenges to complete in a collaborative environment and with the assistance of the teachers. The camp not only introduces children to the basic concepts of coding and robotics but also emphasises the importance of teamwork and communication. As participants work through various problem scenarios and project challenges, they are encouraged to collaborate, share ideas, and support one another. All students will receive a certificate of participation in the DIGIROBO camp. The project is a close collaboration between partners in Estonia and Malta and aims to leverage the unique strengths and educational insights of both countries to create a truly innovative learning experience. With a focus on innovation and accessibility, DIGIROBO Camp seeks to bridge the gap towards quality hands-on and inquiry-based STEM education.

Click below to enrol on the DIGIROBO Camps now!




We are committed to build the next generation digital manufacturing and robotics schools.

Enhanced STEM Education

The camps and teachers' handbooks will provide teachers with up-to-date knowledge, tools, and techniques in digital manufacturing and robotics. This will help them teach these subjects more effectively, and efficiently, thereby enhancing student learning. By having access to high-quality training materials and resources, teachers can ensure that students receive quality STEM education.

Preparedness for the Future

Digital manufacturing and robotics are rapidly growing fields that will play an increasingly significant role in the future. By providing students with access to training materials and resources in these areas, we aim to prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow. This benefits students and the wider community, as a well-trained workforce is essential for economic growth and development.



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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.